Archives for: May 14th, 2019
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on May 14, 2019
Most passenger vehicle drivers tend to get a little nervous when driving in the vicinity of a large tractor trailer. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and Highway Loss Data Institute, large trucks actually have a much lower crash rate than passenger cars. However, when an accident involving a semi truck does occur, […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on March 26, 2019
Given that the main mode of transportation in the United States is a motor vehicle, it’s important for drivers to stay informed of the latest car accident statistics. Understanding the many factors that contribute to crashes as well as the effectiveness of safety precautions can help those on the road make better decisions. Louisville, Kentucky […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on March 5, 2019
Say one is planning on having a little get together at home, an event or wedding, just how legally responsible for their guests are they? While most of us are familiar with the concept of premises liability law, (that states one’s duty to keep invited guests safe from any possible hazards in their home that […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on December 6, 2018
What is a Wrongful Death? A wrongful death is one that is the result of another’s negligence or intent to cause harm. Wrongful deaths are usually at the hand of medical malpractice, motorized vehicle accidents, a crime, or an unsafe product or workplace. Kentucky’s Wrongful Death Laws In the State of Kentucky, the victim’s family […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on November 29, 2018
What is No Fault Personal Injury Coverage? No fault personal injury coverage pertains to a specific portion of one’s auto insurance policy. Kentucky is one of 12 states that has a no fault insurance system and car accident policy. This means that every licensed Kentucky driver except for motorcyclists, is required to have what is […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on November 8, 2018
As every personal injury case is unique, there are a broad range of legal concepts that can be applied given the circumstances. A personal injury case is one where an individual suffers as a result of the negligence or harmful intent of another. Damages awarded from personal injury cases can help one and or their […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on July 16, 2018
Everyday thousands of buses carry people to and from school, work, and even across the country. Buses are an affordable and environmentally friendly transportation method. Thus they are becoming an increasingly popular choice of travel within the U.S. However, when a bus accident occurs, it often results in numerous injuries, fatalities and property damage. Both […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on June 14, 2018
It’s every parent’s goal to keep their children safe. However, at some point during the day, everyone is a pedestrian and at risk for being involved in a traffic accident. According to a report conducted by the Governors Highway Safety Association, approximately 5,984 pedestrians were killed in 2017. This represents a trending increase that is […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on March 16, 2018
The trucking industry is an important part of the nation’s economy. The industry hauls trillions of dollars’ worth of goods back and forth across America. Trucks are involved in thousands of accidents each year due to the amount of time these drivers spend on the road. A truck accident can be caused by wide variety of […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on December 20, 2017
In the United States, a car’s safety rating is determined by the National Highway Traffic Administration or NHTSA. Every new car in the U.S. undergoes a series of crash tests by the NHTSA. The NHTSA’s findings are then published on their site where anyone can access the information. You’ve probably heard the phrase “five-star […]