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injured people like you

Archives for: May 11th, 2021

Common Summertime Injuries

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on May 11, 2021

As temperatures rise, it seems summertime is just around the corner. With the warmer weather comes the fun of pool parties, outdoor sports, and cookouts, but also an increased risk of injury. This rise may seem expected, with schools letting out and more people spending time outside, but most of these injuries are actually preventable. […]

Common Tax Scams and Prevention

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on April 27, 2021

Tax scams are no joke. Individuals, businesses, and even tax professionals lose millions of dollars and personal information each year to scammers. Often pretending to be IRS agents or tax preparers, these criminals will reach out via email, mail, phone calls, text messages or even social media. Tax scams are always evolving, feeding off your […]

Hit By A Drunk Driver in Kentucky? Here Are Your Options For Compensation

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on April 20, 2021

Every 50 minutes, someone in the United States is killed in an accident involving a drunk driver. In 2016, this added up to 10,497 deaths, representing 28% of total U.S. traffic-related deaths. Accordingly, victims of drunk-driving accidents deserve justice, which may include compensation for any physical and/or emotional injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and other […]

Faulty Product Injuries: What to Do if You Suffer an Injury

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on April 6, 2021

It’s easy to overlook the seemingly countless product recalls that we see in the news. Food, car parts, pharmaceuticals—defective products appear to be just a normal part of daily life. That’s why most of us never expect to sustain an injury as a result of a faulty product, and may not be sure what to […]

Preventing Truck Accidents

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on March 16, 2021

The average long-haul truck driver spends 60 hours per week on the road, faring fatigue, bad weather, traffic, and tight deadlines. Unfortunately, this challenging lifestyle often results in severe accidents due to the size and weight of trucks. These accidents have devastating physical and financial effects. They can completely upend the lives of surviving accident […]

Elder Abuse: An Overview

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on March 9, 2021

Although often overlooked or unseen, hundreds of thousands of older adults (60+) experience some form of elder abuse every year. Elder abuse is abuse that someone causes to seniors. It can be intentional or due to negligence. According to the CDC, there are 6 types of elder abuse: physical, sexual, emotional or psychological, neglect, and […]

Understanding Prisoner’s Rights: An Overview

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on February 23, 2021

People in prison may have access to basic rights under the constitution, but they don’t have equal protection under the law. Although there are a number of protections and legal actions that can be pursued in certain incidents of abuse or inequity, the process is often very complicated to carry out due to the Prison […]

“I Was Injured in a Slip and Fall Accident. Should I Contact An Attorney?”

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on February 16, 2021

A slip and fall accident can happen anywhere. One second, you’re late for work and the next you’re sprawled across the ground, disoriented and in pain. At this time, you’re probably not thinking about documenting the conditions of your injury or pursuing legal action—you’re just trying to make sure your vital organs are intact! Despite […]

Choosing a Personal Injury Law Firm? Look For These 7 Things

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on February 3, 2021

Choosing a personal injury law firm can feel like a daunting task. There are a lot of options, and it’s easy to be drawn to the big names that you recognize from billboards and TV ads. However, all the marketing glamor and glitz isn’t what matters most in the courtroom. When it comes to picking […]